Options d’inscription

The lab will consist in group projects aiming at purifying a target biomolecule of industrial significance

  • Collection of information 
  • Planning of experiments 
  • Realization of trials
  • Treatment and discussion of collected data 
  • Communication of results in oral or written form

Students will be able to:

· Connect theoretical knowledge to the practical aspects of biomolecule purification

· Understand the experimental framework of the lab and the methodology

· Synthesize knowledge from different courses to devise a production and purification strategy with associated analytics 

· Work with purification equipment in a safe and goal-oriented manner 

· Treat experimental data and communicate the results in the form of graphs, figures, and tables

· Analyse the adequation of the devised strategy based on the obtained results, propose improvements 

· Assess the quality of the measured data 

· Write scientific reports where the results are presented, interpreted, and discussed

Auto-inscription (Etudiant-e)
Auto-inscription (Etudiant-e)