Section outline

  • Logo of the IELTS exam

    Description of the exam

    The IELTS exam has four parts: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Each part receives a ‘band score’ and contributes equally to the candidate’s overall band score. This means that there is not a C1 IELTS exam or a B2 IELTS exam, it is the same exam for everyone.

    IELTS band scores generally describe CEFR levels from A2-C2. The highest IELTS band score is 9.

    • B1 ≈ IELTS 4
    • B2 ≈ IELTS 5.5
    • C1 ≈ IELTS 6.5/7

    IELTS has an Academic exam and a General Training exam. Most candidates will take the Academic exam, and the course from the HEG Language Center will prepare you for the Academic exam. The exam is delivered on a computer in a test centre, but the speaking test is done in person. The exam takes about 3.5 hours, plus breaks.

    General tips for IELTS success

    Each part of the exam starts ‘easy’ and gets more difficult, but all questions are worth 1 point.

    Read the questions carefully! The instructions tell you EXACTLY how to answer the questions, but you always have to read them very carefully. Every exam is different with a variety of question types. Practicing exam tasks is an essential part of getting a satisfactory result.

    Time management is the biggest key to success:

    • Look ahead in the listening exam whenever you have time to read or check your answers.
    • There isn’t enough time to read the texts normally – use topic sentences to find the answers.

    Active listening/reading will make it easier to find the correct answer:

    • Predict the type of answer you expect to find (a date, a place, etc.).
    • Anticipate synonyms of words in the questions – the answers will be exactly from the texts, but the words in the questions will be paraphrased.

    Make sure to practice the speaking and writing tasks so you don’t lose any points or time because you didn’t know what to do. They seem simple, but you must follow all of the instructions.

    Take the free practice test available at so you are familiar with the computer interface.

    • How does the online preparation course work?

      The online course will give you the same preparation as the in-person course, using the same materials, in about the same amout of time (approximately 12-15 hours). Students can see exactly what they have to do to get ready, and the course will tell them how ready they are. Every two weeks, there is an opportunity to get feedback from a teacher on your speaking and writing tasks. Watch the short video below (click "CC" on the video screen to turn on subtitles) to learn all the details. 

      What materials will we use in the courses?

      All course participants (online and in-person) will have access to the complete set of practice materials on the Road to IELTS website. Students will receive instructions about which tasks they should do, but they are welcome to do as much as they want.

      When does the online IELTS preparation course start?

      The online independent study IELTS preparation course is always available but feedback will only be provided between 19 February and 22 March.

      When does the in-person IELTS preparation course meet?

      There are three options to take the in-person IELTS preparation course: 
      • Mondays 18:15-19:45, 19 February - 18 March
      • Thursdays 17:15-18:45, 22 February - 21 March
      • Fridays 17:15-18:45, 23 February - 22 March

      When can I take the IELTS exam? 

      The school is organising places to take the exam on 23 March in Bern and Lausanne and the preparation courses are designed around this date. However, you can take the IELTS anytime! There are usually three or four dates each month. Check the Swiss Exams website to see other dates and locations. Please contact the Language Center before signing up for an alternate date.

      Do I need to register for a course?

      Yes. Please use the link below to choose whether you want to do the online independent study course or the in-person course. It is possible to try the online course and change if you don't like it. Send an email to before 9 October if you want to change.

      Any questions?

      Send an email to and we will be happy to provide more information.

    • Practice materials

    • Road to IELTS logo

      Road to IELTS is the official practice material from the British Council, and everyone in the preparation course will have access to the complete package. All of the practice material is delivered in the web browser, with the same interface that is found in the real exam (all IELTS exams in Switzerland are given on a computer).

      If you want to practice independently, you can get access on your own through their website. There is one complete exam for free and then options to buy 6 exams for 31 days for $50, 10 exams plus grammar and writing tips for 31 days for $80 and 10 exams plus grammar and writing tips for 90 days for $160. Participants in the HEG Language Center preparation course will have access to all 10 exams.

    • IELTS Liz logoIELTS Liz is a private teacher's website with a huge amount of information, tips, model answers and practical exercises for all parts of the IELTS exam. This is an excellent resource if you cannot attend the preparation class.

    • IELTS buddy logo

      IELTS buddy is another fantastic self-study resource. It has lessons, strategies, tips, practice exams and sample answers.

    • Self-registration and payment for the IELTS Academic exam

      IELTS is offered around once or twice a month in Lausanne and Bern, as well as other cities in Switzerland. The exam costs CHF 410 and is administered by Swiss Exams. You can visit the Swiss Exams website to see the available dates and to register. Please use the links provided by your teacher if the school is paying for your exam!